RSS UNISC Democracia no Brasil e instituições no fio da navalha : sobrevivência da Constituição em tempos de crises e possível resposta a partir do reforço da d



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Title: Democracia no Brasil e instituições no fio da navalha : sobrevivência da Constituição em tempos de crises e possível resposta a partir do reforço da democracia institucional.
Authors: Moraes, Tiago de Sousa
Abstract: The theme is the study on the role of Powers and institutions in the context of democratic erosion, when authoritarianism present in society, authoritarian populism and institutional crisis degrade the democratic environment and, therefore, lead to an institutional context of battle between the powers, highlighting the protagonist role of the Federal Supreme Court in the creation and management of institutional conflicts. The theme is limited, temporarily, in the Brazilian democratic scenario after the promulgation of the 1988 Constitution, with emphasis on the crisis of Powers and institutions that were accentuated with the questioning of the response of the ballot boxes in 2014, culminating with the impeachment of an elected president democratically in 2016, making up a troubled scenario in politics due to the return to populism and its interface with authoritarianism, putting democracy itself and its institutions at stake, having its apex in the 2018 elections in the face of the political context worn down by institutional clashes and radically polarized , full of institutional retaliation in the form of speeches against institutions. It seeks to answer the following research problem: what are the threats that show a crisis in the functioning of democratic institutions that have put them under the "razor's edge", resulting from the authoritarian populism diagnosed in this crisis scenario, and how to re-dimension the democratic perspective under the bias of institutional reinforcement? In order to respond to the research problem, the hypothesis presented is that it is only possible to achieve an institutional arrangement committed to maintaining a consolidated democratic environment and resistant to authoritarian attacks when institutional democracy is guaranteed and reinforced. In the present work, the dialectical method of approach was adopted, with an analytical-dogmatic nature. Regarding the method of procedure, the bibliographic will be used. The work will be divided into three chapters, the first chapter will address the meaning of Brazilian society as an authoritarian society and to what extent this is related to the process of democratic erosion accentuated by a populist leader democratically elected in 2018. The second chapter, by In turn, it will consist of developing the concept of populism and its variable properties, highlighting authoritarian populism and its strong anti-institutional dimension. Still in the second chapter, coalition presidentialism will be studied to try to explain to what extent this anti-institutional (anti-judicial) aspect of authoritarian populism is a consequence of the role of the Federal Supreme Court in sensitive political-constitutional issues. In the last chapter, the theory of institutional capabilities is developed in order to draw attention to the importance of the institutional question in the relations between the Powers, as well as the concepts of shared constitutional authority, passive virtues and anticyclic constitutional jurisdiction are presented as proposals for the action of the Federal Supreme Court more concerned with the institutional consequences of its decisions for the institutional arrangement and for the defense of democracy. The objective is to investigate, in the current scenario of democratic crisis with peculiar characteristics of the Brazilian case, how populism associated with authoritarianism has promoted the corrosion of Brazilian institutions that are on the "razor's edge", through acts that generate democratic setbacks and institutional difficulties, pointing out possible paths for a response in the light of institutional democracy. The work is justified because democratic values are recognized by the Democratic State of Law as an essential condition for the construction of a free, fair and solidary society. In view of the analysis carried out, it is possible to state that it is necessary to recognize that the reinforcement of the institutional issue is an important tool in the defense of democracy.​

Info Adicional:
Title: Democracia no Brasil e instituições no fio da navalha : sobrevivência da Constituição em tempos de crises e possível resposta a partir do reforço da democracia institucional. Authors: Moraes, Tiago de Sousa Abstract: The theme is the study on the role of Powers and institutions in the context of democratic erosion, when authoritarianism present in society, authoritarian populism and institutional crisis degrade the democratic environment and, therefore, lead to an institutional context of battle between the powers, highlighting the protagonist role of the Federal Supreme Court in the creation and management of institutional conflicts. The theme is limited, temporarily, in the Brazilian democratic scenario after the promulgation of the 1988 Constitution, with emphasis on the crisis of Powers and institutions that were accentuated with the questioning of the response of the ballot boxes in 2014, culminating with the impeachment of an elected president democratically in 2016, making up a troubled scenario in politics due to the return to populism and its interface with authoritarianism, putting democracy itself and its institutions at stake, having its apex in the 2018 elections in the face of the political context worn down by institutional clashes and radically polarized , full of institutional retaliation in the form of speeches against institutions. It seeks to answer the following research problem: what are the threats that show a crisis in the functioning of democratic institutions that have put them under the "razor's edge", resulting from the authoritarian populism diagnosed in this crisis scenario, and how to re-dimension the democratic perspective under the bias of institutional reinforcement? In order to respond to the research problem, the hypothesis presented is that it is only possible to achieve an institutional arrangement committed to maintaining a consolidated democratic environment and resistant to authoritarian attacks when institutional democracy is guaranteed and reinforced. In the present work, the dialectical method of approach was adopted, with an analytical-dogmatic nature. Regarding the method of procedure, the bibliographic will be used. The work will be divided into three chapters, the first chapter will address the meaning of Brazilian society as an authoritarian society and to what extent this is related to the process of democratic erosion accentuated by a populist leader democratically elected in 2018. The second chapter, by In turn, it will consist of developing the concept of populism and its variable properties, highlighting authoritarian populism and its strong anti-institutional dimension. Still in the second chapter, coalition presidentialism will be studied to try to explain to what extent this anti-institutional (anti-judicial) aspect of authoritarian populism is a consequence of the role of the Federal Supreme Court in sensitive political-constitutional issues. In the last chapter, the theory of institutional capabilities is developed in order to draw attention to the importance of the institutional question in the relations between the Powers, as well as the concepts of shared constitutional authority, passive virtues and anticyclic constitutional jurisdiction are presented as proposals for the action of the Federal Supreme Court more concerned with the institutional consequences of its decisions for the institutional arrangement and for the defense of democracy. The objective is to investigate, in the current scenario of democratic crisis with peculiar characteristics of the Brazilian case, how populism associated with authoritarianism has promoted the corrosion of Brazilian institutions that are on the "razor's edge", through acts that generate democratic setbacks and institutional difficulties, pointing out possible paths for a response in the light of institutional democracy. The work is justified because democratic values are recognized by the Democratic State of Law as an essential condition for the construction of a free, fair and solidary society. In view of the analysis carried out, it is possible to state that it is necessary to recognize that the reinforcement of the institutional issue is an important tool in the defense of democracy.


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