RSS ISCTE A shape grammar for self-built housing

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Repositório do ISCTE-IUL

Breve resumo:
Título próprio: A shape grammar for self-built housing
Autoria: Tching, J.; Paio, A.; Reis, J.
Editor: Cardoso, D. R., Celani, M. G. C., Freitas, C. S., and Tosello, M. E.
Resumo: This paper describes the initial results of a grammar study based on bottom-up research carried out in Campinas. The research covers self-built housing and “in situ” projects aimed at creating systems which will help the inhabitants by providing them with “layouts” for housing construction. This paper explores the descriptive and generative potential of shape grammar in order to create a parametric shape grammar for self-built incremental housing in Campinas, respecting tradition, diversity and the inhabitants’ desires.​

Info Adicional:
Título próprio: A shape grammar for self-built housing Autoria: Tching, J.; Paio, A.; Reis, J. Editor: Cardoso, D. R., Celani, M. G. C., Freitas, C. S., and Tosello, M. E. Resumo: This paper describes the initial results of a grammar study based on bottom-up research carried out in Campinas. The research covers self-built housing and “in situ” projects aimed at creating systems which will help the inhabitants by providing them with “layouts” for housing construction. This paper explores the descriptive and generative potential of shape grammar in order to create a parametric shape grammar for self-built incremental housing in Campinas, respecting tradition, diversity and the inhabitants’ desires.


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