RSS Uni. Autonoma A new model of hospital organization in 16th century modernity

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Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa

Breve resumo:
Título: A new model of hospital organization in 16th century modernity
Autor: Subtil, José
Resumo: The Portuguese 16th century (for an overview of this
period see Magalhães, 1993), particularly its beginning
(reigns of D. Manuel I and D. João III), corresponds to
a unique period, with reforms configuring the political
and administrative model of the traditional and
corporate monarchy that would last until the mid-18th
century. We underline: the publication of the Ordenações
Manuelinas [Manueline Orders] (1521) that, coupled with
the timely invention of the printing press, experienced a
new production and distribution of the Royal laws; the
creation of the Desembargo do Paço [Supreme Court], the
court of graça [pardon court] (potestas extrordinária) and
control of the literate magistracy; the re-structuring of
the Casa da Suplicação [Appellate Court], a higher judicial
court; the organization of Casa dos Contos [Counting
House] (1516); the creation of the Mesa da Consciência e
Ordens [Court of conscience and orders] (1532); the
Tribunal do Santo Ofício [Court of the Holy Inquisition]
(1536); the municipalisation of the Kingdom, with a
reform of the forais [foral charters] (1497-1520); the first
census of the Kingdom (1527-1532); a very substantial
increase in provisioning for the juízes de fora [municipal
judges], corregedores [magistrates], provedores [umbudsmen]
and desembargadores [appellate judges]; and a reform of
the counties.​

Info Adicional:
Título: A new model of hospital organization in 16th century modernity Autor: Subtil, José Resumo: The Portuguese 16th century (for an overview of this period see Magalhães, 1993), particularly its beginning (reigns of D. Manuel I and D. João III), corresponds to a unique period, with reforms configuring the political and administrative model of the traditional and corporate monarchy that would last until the mid-18th century. We underline: the publication of the Ordenações Manuelinas [Manueline Orders] (1521) that, coupled with the timely invention of the printing press, experienced a new production and distribution of the Royal laws; the creation of the Desembargo do Paço [Supreme Court], the court of graça [pardon court] (potestas extrordinária) and control of the literate magistracy; the re-structuring of the Casa da Suplicação [Appellate Court], a higher judicial court; the organization of Casa dos Contos [Counting House] (1516); the creation of the Mesa da Consciência e Ordens [Court of conscience and orders] (1532); the Tribunal do Santo Ofício [Court of the Holy Inquisition] (1536); the municipalisation of the Kingdom, with a reform of the forais [foral charters] (1497-1520); the first census of the Kingdom (1527-1532); a very substantial increase in provisioning for the juízes de fora [municipal judges], corregedores [magistrates], provedores [umbudsmen] and desembargadores [appellate judges]; and a reform of the counties.


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