RSS UNISC A corrupção como fenômeno multifacetário na democracia contemporânea : aspectos corruptivos do crime organizado e os abalos à democracia brasileira..



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Title: A corrupção como fenômeno multifacetário na democracia contemporânea : aspectos corruptivos do crime organizado e os abalos à democracia brasileira..
Authors: Oliveira, Debora Maria Lopes da Silva
Abstract: Corruption as a multifaceted phenomenon in contemporary Brazilian democracy considering the corruptive aspects of organized crime. Considering that corruption represents multifaceted phenomena, including illicit behavior of various kinds, and that this impacts regimes and democratic institutions, this research seeks to answer the following problem: in what way does organized crime potentiate corruptive phenomena that undermine democracy? The hypothesis of this paper is based on the premise that democratic institutions and regimes are impacted by certain corruptive phenomena originating from organized crime, and it is neural to identify them in order to generate more effective counter policies. Identify the impacts and how organized crime potentiates corruptive phenomena that erode democracy? As specific objectives we have: to study corruption as a multifaceted phenomenon; to demarcate the existing relations between organized crime and corruptive pathologies; to identify some corruptive phenomena arising from organized crime and how they impact institutions and the Brazilian democratic regime today, for the purpose of proposing more effective policies to confront them. he present paper is justified by the fact that it is well known that human beings are dedicated to the organization and coexistence in society. This social coexistence enhances survival, intellectual, scientific, production and technology improvement, and the miscegenation of understanding. However, even with this social characteristic, the human being does not cease to exist as an individual, in such a way that it is quite common for some of his postures to excessively affront the good of the collectivity to which he belongs. In this context, it is that the conducts linked to corruption occur, given that some people understand that the satisfaction of personal vanity is more prominent than the collective interest, even if they use it for that purpose. As for the definition of the approach method, the deductive method was chosen; with regard to the method of procedure, the monograph will be used.​

Info Adicional:
Title: A corrupção como fenômeno multifacetário na democracia contemporânea : aspectos corruptivos do crime organizado e os abalos à democracia brasileira.. Authors: Oliveira, Debora Maria Lopes da Silva Abstract: Corruption as a multifaceted phenomenon in contemporary Brazilian democracy considering the corruptive aspects of organized crime. Considering that corruption represents multifaceted phenomena, including illicit behavior of various kinds, and that this impacts regimes and democratic institutions, this research seeks to answer the following problem: in what way does organized crime potentiate corruptive phenomena that undermine democracy? The hypothesis of this paper is based on the premise that democratic institutions and regimes are impacted by certain corruptive phenomena originating from organized crime, and it is neural to identify them in order to generate more effective counter policies. Identify the impacts and how organized crime potentiates corruptive phenomena that erode democracy? As specific objectives we have: to study corruption as a multifaceted phenomenon; to demarcate the existing relations between organized crime and corruptive pathologies; to identify some corruptive phenomena arising from organized crime and how they impact institutions and the Brazilian democratic regime today, for the purpose of proposing more effective policies to confront them. he present paper is justified by the fact that it is well known that human beings are dedicated to the organization and coexistence in society. This social coexistence enhances survival, intellectual, scientific, production and technology improvement, and the miscegenation of understanding. However, even with this social characteristic, the human being does not cease to exist as an individual, in such a way that it is quite common for some of his postures to excessively affront the good of the collectivity to which he belongs. In this context, it is that the conducts linked to corruption occur, given that some people understand that the satisfaction of personal vanity is more prominent than the collective interest, even if they use it for that purpose. As for the definition of the approach method, the deductive method was chosen; with regard to the method of procedure, the monograph will be used.


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