RSS UNISC Crianças e infâncias : educação e temporalidade dos começos.



Breve resumo:
Title: Crianças e infâncias : educação e temporalidade dos começos.
Authors: Santos, Carina Ferreira dos
Abstract: In this essay I bring education, philosophy, and psychology closer to each other to question the length of being in childhood as well as understanding the temporality of the beginnings in children’s education. The ongoing tendency of understanding education as the production of abilities making it predictable and riskless demands the elimination, on children and adults, of time procedurally and unpredictability of acting from education in the world. In order to resist the writing practices, another way of imagining and questioning children’s education since the beginning of the experience of questioning myself as a child for the first time, discovering new beginnings having as a grasp that I can be the interrogation which I try to reflect with others. Learning how to think about the question becomes a way to achieve the unknown, the unpredictable, the opening for new beginnings in education. Considering childhood as a condition of language experience that leads me to the possibility of questioning other possible temporalities in order to inhabit young children’s education. The issue I present refers to ask questions about the childhood to think about the beginnings throughout life considering that the beginnings faced in childhood are remarkable and updated in all ages. Our childhood remains on us by being updated every time we meet and coexist with others. The philosophical discussion allows me to query about words, gestures, and myself to provide meaning to things that happen to me as the childhood of thought. Philosophy allows to look at words as possibilities to think differently. This action was guided by the questions: are we capable of not saying what a child will be? Are we capable of not turning children’s education something guaranteed, predictable and explainable? What other time periods are possible in children’s education? The essay was written in first-person singular and first-person plural once it is related to the writing of Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Hannah Arendt, Giorgio Agamben, Walter Kohan, Jorge Larrosa, and Carlos Skliar. The challenge was to question the certainties to provide the risk of questioning the meeting with children and childhoods that enter the world as language experience. This approximation granted me the opportunity of educating myself in a worldly experience as I was situated in childhood as well as opened to the coexistence with other children and other childhoods. This essay has its origin in a wandering that allows me to open to new beginnings through the experience of thinking in another temporality.​

Info Adicional:
Title: Crianças e infâncias : educação e temporalidade dos começos. Authors: Santos, Carina Ferreira dos Abstract: In this essay I bring education, philosophy, and psychology closer to each other to question the length of being in childhood as well as understanding the temporality of the beginnings in children’s education. The ongoing tendency of understanding education as the production of abilities making it predictable and riskless demands the elimination, on children and adults, of time procedurally and unpredictability of acting from education in the world. In order to resist the writing practices, another way of imagining and questioning children’s education since the beginning of the experience of questioning myself as a child for the first time, discovering new beginnings having as a grasp that I can be the interrogation which I try to reflect with others. Learning how to think about the question becomes a way to achieve the unknown, the unpredictable, the opening for new beginnings in education. Considering childhood as a condition of language experience that leads me to the possibility of questioning other possible temporalities in order to inhabit young children’s education. The issue I present refers to ask questions about the childhood to think about the beginnings throughout life considering that the beginnings faced in childhood are remarkable and updated in all ages. Our childhood remains on us by being updated every time we meet and coexist with others. The philosophical discussion allows me to query about words, gestures, and myself to provide meaning to things that happen to me as the childhood of thought. Philosophy allows to look at words as possibilities to think differently. This action was guided by the questions: are we capable of not saying what a child will be? Are we capable of not turning children’s education something guaranteed, predictable and explainable? What other time periods are possible in children’s education? The essay was written in first-person singular and first-person plural once it is related to the writing of Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Hannah Arendt, Giorgio Agamben, Walter Kohan, Jorge Larrosa, and Carlos Skliar. The challenge was to question the certainties to provide the risk of questioning the meeting with children and childhoods that enter the world as language experience. This approximation granted me the opportunity of educating myself in a worldly experience as I was situated in childhood as well as opened to the coexistence with other children and other childhoods. This essay has its origin in a wandering that allows me to open to new beginnings through the experience of thinking in another temporality.


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