RSS UNISC Contribuições do programa de Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde na construção da identidade profissional.



Breve resumo:
Title: Contribuições do programa de Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde na construção da identidade profissional.
Authors: Rodrigues, Makely Ferreira
Abstract: There are many possibilities in the Health field. One of them is the insertion in Multiprofessional Residency Programs in Health (PRMUS). Residency is characterized by teaching and in-service training and, because of this characteristic, it can be considered an opportunity for academic improvement, insertion in the labor market and construction of a professional identity. This study presents an intervention research that aimed to identify the contributions the Multiprofessional Residency Program in Health in the construction of the professional identity of residents. The methodological perspective that founded this research is exploratory and was based on a set of Design Thinking (DT) tools. As an intervention proposal, Immersion Workshops were offered, from September to December 2020, with the participation of 21 Multiprofessional Residents of Hospital Santa Cruz. The construction of categories presented after data analysis is anchored in the Dejourian theory, approaching concepts of the Psychodynamics of Work, to produce ways of thinking and rethinking work, as well as to analyze the psychic processes mobilized by the confrontation of professionals with the reality of work environment and its organization. The discourse of the research actors shows ambivalence between expectations and the reality found in the residency experience, thus demonstrating the contributions and crossings of the PRMUS for the construction of Resident’s professional paths. From the Immersion Workshops, as a result of this study, the technical product is presented: (Re)building: listening to practices – currently institutionalized.​

Info Adicional:
Title: Contribuições do programa de Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde na construção da identidade profissional. Authors: Rodrigues, Makely Ferreira Abstract: There are many possibilities in the Health field. One of them is the insertion in Multiprofessional Residency Programs in Health (PRMUS). Residency is characterized by teaching and in-service training and, because of this characteristic, it can be considered an opportunity for academic improvement, insertion in the labor market and construction of a professional identity. This study presents an intervention research that aimed to identify the contributions the Multiprofessional Residency Program in Health in the construction of the professional identity of residents. The methodological perspective that founded this research is exploratory and was based on a set of Design Thinking (DT) tools. As an intervention proposal, Immersion Workshops were offered, from September to December 2020, with the participation of 21 Multiprofessional Residents of Hospital Santa Cruz. The construction of categories presented after data analysis is anchored in the Dejourian theory, approaching concepts of the Psychodynamics of Work, to produce ways of thinking and rethinking work, as well as to analyze the psychic processes mobilized by the confrontation of professionals with the reality of work environment and its organization. The discourse of the research actors shows ambivalence between expectations and the reality found in the residency experience, thus demonstrating the contributions and crossings of the PRMUS for the construction of Resident’s professional paths. From the Immersion Workshops, as a result of this study, the technical product is presented: (Re)building: listening to practices – currently institutionalized.


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