RSS Cientifico geral Attitude dynamics of a compound solar sail

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Breve resumo:
We consider two schemes of a compound solar sail and discus their main characteristics and limitations. Basing on the analysis of the realistic light paths, numerical simulation, and considerations regarding the attitude control system requirements we conclude that the simpler scheme offers some significant advantages. We analyze the restrictions due to the attitude control and thermal resistance limitations and show that they only slightly deteriorate the performance of the simple solar photon thrustor. We develop a model of the attitude dynamics of a non-ideal sailcraft, deducing the expressions for solar radiation force and torque valid also for the case of misalignment of the sail axis from the Sun direction. Analysis of the motion of a sailcraft along a circular heliocentric orbit is performed. The respective orientation is unstable, and can not be stabilized without an additional attitude control system. Considering a system of small vanes installed symmetrically around the sailcraft, we prove that the motion is controllable for any mission that does not require fast trajectory maneuvers.​

Info Adicional:
We consider two schemes of a compound solar sail and discus their main characteristics and limitations. Basing on the analysis of the realistic light paths, numerical simulation, and considerations regarding the attitude control system requirements we conclude that the simpler scheme offers some significant advantages. We analyze the restrictions due to the attitude control and thermal resistance limitations and show that they only slightly deteriorate the performance of the simple solar photon thrustor. We develop a model of the attitude dynamics of a non-ideal sailcraft, deducing the expressions for solar radiation force and torque valid also for the case of misalignment of the sail axis from the Sun direction. Analysis of the motion of a sailcraft along a circular heliocentric orbit is performed. The respective orientation is unstable, and can not be stabilized without an additional attitude control system. Considering a system of small vanes installed symmetrically around the sailcraft, we prove that the motion is controllable for any mission that does not require fast trajectory maneuvers.


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