RSS Cientifico geral Adolescent hope in the context of nursing care : A scoping review

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Breve resumo:
Problem: Hope is a multidimensional concept with a multidisciplinary approach in different areas of health intervention. From the perspective of the discipline of nursing, the concept of hope in the adolescent has been defined. However, its characterization is not consensually established but is necessary for nurses to be able to plan interventions aimed at its promotion. This scoping review aims at mapping the existing knowledge about adolescent's hope in the context of nursing care and contributing to the improvement of nursing interventions.​

Info Adicional:
Problem: Hope is a multidimensional concept with a multidisciplinary approach in different areas of health intervention. From the perspective of the discipline of nursing, the concept of hope in the adolescent has been defined. However, its characterization is not consensually established but is necessary for nurses to be able to plan interventions aimed at its promotion. This scoping review aims at mapping the existing knowledge about adolescent's hope in the context of nursing care and contributing to the improvement of nursing interventions.


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