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The aim of this paper is to point out the importance of Virgil's Aeneid in understanding the conceptualization and emergence of both national and postnational identity. Virgil’s attempt to create a cohesive narrative which will represent the foundation of Roman national identity will be compared to the European Commission’s attempt to create a cohesive narrative that will represent the basis of Pan-European identity. Unfortunately, both the Aeneid and the idea of a European foundation narrative have been misinterpreted by extreme right-wing and anti-immigrant groups.
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The aim of this paper is to point out the importance of Virgil's Aeneid in understanding the conceptualization and emergence of both national and postnational identity. Virgil’s attempt to create a cohesive narrative which will represent the foundation of Roman national identity will be compared to the European Commission’s attempt to create a cohesive narrative that will represent the basis of Pan-European identity. Unfortunately, both the Aeneid and the idea of a European foundation narrative have been misinterpreted by extreme right-wing and anti-immigrant groups.
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