RSS Cientifico geral The «letrados» in the chronicles by Gomes Eanes de Zurara

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Breve resumo:
In this paper, we discuss how the «letrado» type, conceived as someone who has had access to a higher level of education, is handled by Gomes Eanes de Zurara in his chronicles, written in Portugal in the third quarter of the fifteenth century. We analyze the motives that lead the «letrados» to be praised or vituperated by Zurara. Finally, based on the Zurarian historiographic writing, we discuss the limits of assigning the term «letrado» to the chronicler himself.​

Info Adicional:
In this paper, we discuss how the «letrado» type, conceived as someone who has had access to a higher level of education, is handled by Gomes Eanes de Zurara in his chronicles, written in Portugal in the third quarter of the fifteenth century. We analyze the motives that lead the «letrados» to be praised or vituperated by Zurara. Finally, based on the Zurarian historiographic writing, we discuss the limits of assigning the term «letrado» to the chronicler himself.


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