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In Portugal, successive projects, programs and initiatives have been developed with the aim of developing teachers’ attitudes and knowledge regarding the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), but most teachers do not continue to create situations of ICT use by students in a consistent and regular manner, and this may be due to the type of training provided. This study aims to understand how ICT training has been planned and to identify its effects on teachers’ knowledge and how they mobilize the technologies in teaching and learning processes. The study is of a qualitative nature and uses the analysis documents and the auscultation through a semi-structured interview of participants in training actions as trainers or trainees. The obtained data suggest possible weaknesses in the process of diagnosis and survey of training needs, point to a formative offer without explicit referential valuing theoretical or theoretical-practical aspects. It is also noted that more than half of the ICT training offer is aimed at meeting the needs of teachers’ work unrelated to teaching practices and their effects are more in the development of skills related to the back work of teachers.
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In Portugal, successive projects, programs and initiatives have been developed with the aim of developing teachers’ attitudes and knowledge regarding the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), but most teachers do not continue to create situations of ICT use by students in a consistent and regular manner, and this may be due to the type of training provided. This study aims to understand how ICT training has been planned and to identify its effects on teachers’ knowledge and how they mobilize the technologies in teaching and learning processes. The study is of a qualitative nature and uses the analysis documents and the auscultation through a semi-structured interview of participants in training actions as trainers or trainees. The obtained data suggest possible weaknesses in the process of diagnosis and survey of training needs, point to a formative offer without explicit referential valuing theoretical or theoretical-practical aspects. It is also noted that more than half of the ICT training offer is aimed at meeting the needs of teachers’ work unrelated to teaching practices and their effects are more in the development of skills related to the back work of teachers.
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