Sociodemographic and Clinical Characterization of the Marital Aggressor

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RCAAP Rss Feeder

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Background: Domestic violence is a complex phenomenon that affects families of all races, ethnicities, religions and socioeconomic levels. It isincreasingly visible in society and presentsdifferent levels of severity (from insult tohomicide). However, the sociodemographicand clinical aspects of the aggressors are stillpoorly characterized. Aims: The objective of this paper is to undertake asociodemographic and clinical characterizationof the conjugal aggressor in the forensicexaminations submitted to the FunctionalUnit of Psychiatry and FunctionalPsychology of Hospital Magalhães Lemos. Methods: A retrospective study of the medical-legalexaminations performed between January2002 and December 2012, at this Unit concerningcriminal cases for domestic violenceof the “Simple Damage”, homicide andhomicide in the attempted form types. In thispaper we attempt to characterize the profileof the marital aggressor and present the finalconclusions of the expert regarding thecriminal responsibility of the examinands. Results: Of the eighty six medical-legal examinationsconsidered for this study, 92% of the allegedoffenders were men. The mean age was 44.7± 13.7 years. Of those examined, 35% wereprofessionally inactive. Regarding maritalstatus, 41.9% were married, 27.9% weresingle, 25.6% were divorced and 4.7% werewidowers. The victim in 47.7% of cases wasthe husband / wife, 39.5% the partner and12.8% the ex-wife/ex-husband. The examinationswere performed for crime cases of“simple damage” (75.6%), criminal casesof homicide due to marital violence (16.3%)and homicide in the attempted form (8.1%).Of the patients examined 86,0% presentedpsychiatric pathology with 40,7% of addictivebehaviors. 66.3% of the examinandswere considered imputable. Discussion and Conclusions: Psychiatric evaluation should seek to identify psychopathology and risk factors that may precipitate violent acts and, when possible, contribute to its prevention and treatment.Future studies need to be conducted to preventdomestic violence and to improve theeffective enforcement of justice.​

Info Adicional:
Background: Domestic violence is a complex phenomenon that affects families of all races, ethnicities, religions and socioeconomic levels. It isincreasingly visible in society and presentsdifferent levels of severity (from insult tohomicide). However, the sociodemographicand clinical aspects of the aggressors are stillpoorly characterized. Aims: The objective of this paper is to undertake asociodemographic and clinical characterizationof the conjugal aggressor in the forensicexaminations submitted to the FunctionalUnit of Psychiatry and FunctionalPsychology of Hospital Magalhães Lemos. Methods: A retrospective study of the medical-legalexaminations performed between January2002 and December 2012, at this Unit concerningcriminal cases for domestic violenceof the “Simple Damage”, homicide andhomicide in the attempted form types. In thispaper we attempt to characterize the profileof the marital aggressor and present the finalconclusions of the expert regarding thecriminal responsibility of the examinands. Results: Of the eighty six medical-legal examinationsconsidered for this study, 92% of the allegedoffenders were men. The mean age was 44.7± 13.7 years. Of those examined, 35% wereprofessionally inactive. Regarding maritalstatus, 41.9% were married, 27.9% weresingle, 25.6% were divorced and 4.7% werewidowers. The victim in 47.7% of cases wasthe husband / wife, 39.5% the partner and12.8% the ex-wife/ex-husband. The examinationswere performed for crime cases of“simple damage” (75.6%), criminal casesof homicide due to marital violence (16.3%)and homicide in the attempted form (8.1%).Of the patients examined 86,0% presentedpsychiatric pathology with 40,7% of addictivebehaviors. 66.3% of the examinandswere considered imputable. Discussion and Conclusions: Psychiatric evaluation should seek to identify psychopathology and risk factors that may precipitate violent acts and, when possible, contribute to its prevention and treatment.Future studies need to be conducted to preventdomestic violence and to improve theeffective enforcement of justice.


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