RCAAP - RSS GERAL Sickness due to (com)passion: A case of Cotard’s Syndrome


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Breve resumo:
Background: Cotard’s Delusion is a raresubtype of depressive delusion which tends tooccur in the elderly and female individuals. Aims: To report a case of Cotard’s delusionand to review the concept and clinical featuresof the condition. Methods: A clinical case of Cotard’s delusionis presented and a discussion of thistheme and clinical characteristics werebroached. Results and Conclusions: The clinical casepresents a 80 year old -female with a majordepressive episode admitted to hospital withsevere -psychotic and depressive symptoms.During her hospitalization she was medicatedwith sertraline, mirtazapine andrisperidone with a fully response. A correctdiagnosis of Cotard’s delusion and its differentiationfrom other psychopathologicallysimilar conditions are essential for an adequateapproach and treatment.​

Info Adicional:
Background: Cotard’s Delusion is a raresubtype of depressive delusion which tends tooccur in the elderly and female individuals. Aims: To report a case of Cotard’s delusionand to review the concept and clinical featuresof the condition. Methods: A clinical case of Cotard’s delusionis presented and a discussion of thistheme and clinical characteristics werebroached. Results and Conclusions: The clinical casepresents a 80 year old -female with a majordepressive episode admitted to hospital withsevere -psychotic and depressive symptoms.During her hospitalization she was medicatedwith sertraline, mirtazapine andrisperidone with a fully response. A correctdiagnosis of Cotard’s delusion and its differentiationfrom other psychopathologicallysimilar conditions are essential for an adequateapproach and treatment.


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