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In this study a qualitative approach to the discourse of experts and local stakeholders of a mature tourist destination – Benidorm - has been taken, focusing on two key concepts attached to maturity and renovation of tourist destinations. This paper tries to clarify both concepts taking as a starting point the opinion of experts and then contrasting them with the perception of local stakeholders: economic and tourist management agents. Thus, from this double point of view the concept of renovation of mature destinations is tackled.
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In this study a qualitative approach to the discourse of experts and local stakeholders of a mature tourist destination – Benidorm - has been taken, focusing on two key concepts attached to maturity and renovation of tourist destinations. This paper tries to clarify both concepts taking as a starting point the opinion of experts and then contrasting them with the perception of local stakeholders: economic and tourist management agents. Thus, from this double point of view the concept of renovation of mature destinations is tackled.
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