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The 2020 civil year will go down in history as the year in which the global pandemic caused an unpre- cedented global crisis in all areas of activity, leading to transformations hard to imagine. In the case of education, more than 1,500 million students have been unable to attend face-to-face classes, leading to re-thinking traditional teaching and learning. This work describes a didactical implementation that took place in the 2020/21 academic year in a first year Physics course, in (forced) blended learning. It was used active and collaborative learning methodo- logies through the proposal of several engaging and challenging learning/assessment tasks: online tasks (at the end of the theoretical classes), a project (com- posed of 4 tasks, and a final written and oral presen- tation) and some lab assignments. [...]
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The 2020 civil year will go down in history as the year in which the global pandemic caused an unpre- cedented global crisis in all areas of activity, leading to transformations hard to imagine. In the case of education, more than 1,500 million students have been unable to attend face-to-face classes, leading to re-thinking traditional teaching and learning. This work describes a didactical implementation that took place in the 2020/21 academic year in a first year Physics course, in (forced) blended learning. It was used active and collaborative learning methodo- logies through the proposal of several engaging and challenging learning/assessment tasks: online tasks (at the end of the theoretical classes), a project (com- posed of 4 tasks, and a final written and oral presen- tation) and some lab assignments. [...]
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