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This study discusses the role that sports played in the scope of the initiatives of the Casa dos Estudantes do Império (1944-1965) and the motivations of the members in the sporting involvement. Sources consulted include student newspapers (Mensagem, Mensagem Angola e Meridiano), administrative material (reports and statutes), government agency magazines (Boletim Geral das Colónias/Boletim Geral do Ultramar), and documents available in the national Torre do Tombo archives. The study unveils another facet of the institution that undoubtedly occupies an important space in the history of Portugal.
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This study discusses the role that sports played in the scope of the initiatives of the Casa dos Estudantes do Império (1944-1965) and the motivations of the members in the sporting involvement. Sources consulted include student newspapers (Mensagem, Mensagem Angola e Meridiano), administrative material (reports and statutes), government agency magazines (Boletim Geral das Colónias/Boletim Geral do Ultramar), and documents available in the national Torre do Tombo archives. The study unveils another facet of the institution that undoubtedly occupies an important space in the history of Portugal.
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