RSS UNISC Palavras e efeitos de sentido : registros da repressão contra professores da UFRGS na ditatura militar.



Breve resumo:
Title: Palavras e efeitos de sentido : registros da repressão contra professores da UFRGS na ditatura militar.
Authors: Schmidt, Fabrício Leo Alves
Abstract: In this study, we analyze discourses that are textualized in documents, surveys and records, related to Higher Education teachers in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in the early years of the military dictatorship imposed by the 1964 Coup. We seek to problematize how these discourses produce meaning effects related to the militancy of these teachers and how they were discoursed by the repressive apparatus of the authoritarian State. We observed the way in which the movement of the subject teacher was documented under the judgment of the persecutory apparatus, putting language into play in its discursive functioning, marked by the symbolic, since it carries in the flow of saying something that already makes sense, for what already exists in a pre-constructed social memory that is socially produced (PÊCHEUX, 1997). We are interested in evaluating how these discourses are textualized and circulated in the documents produced by the system. We are interested in evaluating how these discourses are textualized and how they circulate in the documents produced by the system. Our research is inscribed in the studies of French Discourse Analysis, developed by Michel Pêcheux (1997) and its intersections with Foucault and Althusser, as well as in the studies of Eni Orlandi (2005) among other researchers. For our reading gesture, we chose as corpus some documents related to the purges of professors at UFRGS and found in records in the National Archive in the digitalized collection and available for public consultation. In our analysis, we understand that words move and produce meaning effects from the processes of constitution, formulation and circulation in the discourses present in these documents and refer to a memory of the time of the military dictatorship, allied to an ideological posture guided by the fight against communism and the opponents of the system that was maintained by the control of what could be said, having imposed limitations on constitutional rights. This memory and this discourse justified the repression that served as a control and support mechanism for the regime imposed on society and, at the same time, was the basis for the modalization of police investigations and the effects of the discourse's meanings regarding the teachers involved.​

Info Adicional:
Title: Palavras e efeitos de sentido : registros da repressão contra professores da UFRGS na ditatura militar. Authors: Schmidt, Fabrício Leo Alves Abstract: In this study, we analyze discourses that are textualized in documents, surveys and records, related to Higher Education teachers in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in the early years of the military dictatorship imposed by the 1964 Coup. We seek to problematize how these discourses produce meaning effects related to the militancy of these teachers and how they were discoursed by the repressive apparatus of the authoritarian State. We observed the way in which the movement of the subject teacher was documented under the judgment of the persecutory apparatus, putting language into play in its discursive functioning, marked by the symbolic, since it carries in the flow of saying something that already makes sense, for what already exists in a pre-constructed social memory that is socially produced (PÊCHEUX, 1997). We are interested in evaluating how these discourses are textualized and circulated in the documents produced by the system. We are interested in evaluating how these discourses are textualized and how they circulate in the documents produced by the system. Our research is inscribed in the studies of French Discourse Analysis, developed by Michel Pêcheux (1997) and its intersections with Foucault and Althusser, as well as in the studies of Eni Orlandi (2005) among other researchers. For our reading gesture, we chose as corpus some documents related to the purges of professors at UFRGS and found in records in the National Archive in the digitalized collection and available for public consultation. In our analysis, we understand that words move and produce meaning effects from the processes of constitution, formulation and circulation in the discourses present in these documents and refer to a memory of the time of the military dictatorship, allied to an ideological posture guided by the fight against communism and the opponents of the system that was maintained by the control of what could be said, having imposed limitations on constitutional rights. This memory and this discourse justified the repression that served as a control and support mechanism for the regime imposed on society and, at the same time, was the basis for the modalization of police investigations and the effects of the discourse's meanings regarding the teachers involved.


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