RCAAP - RSS GERAL Memorable Tourism Experience (MTE): scale proposal and test


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Breve resumo:
This study sought to develop and test a scale to assess memorable tourism experiences (MTEs). The proposed instrument initially contained 49 tested items organised into 12 dimensions: environment, culture, relationships with companions, relationships with tourists, relationships with local agents (i.e. residents and service providers), novelty, emotions, dream, meaningfulness, refreshment, hedonism and involvement. The data were collected via a survey of 1,193 Brazilians with regular travel habits, aged 18 years or older. The data were analysed quantitatively using structural equation modelling. Statistical tests included exploratory factor analysis followed by confirmatory factor analysis. The results indicate that the scale is reliable and valid for research on MTEs, at least for the sample in question, and confirm the MTE construct’s multidimensionality, although the hedonism and involvement dimensions were shown to be unsuitable. Thus, the validity of the proposed MTE scale consisting of 35 items was confirmed, as were 10 dimensions of the second-order construct.​

Info Adicional:
This study sought to develop and test a scale to assess memorable tourism experiences (MTEs). The proposed instrument initially contained 49 tested items organised into 12 dimensions: environment, culture, relationships with companions, relationships with tourists, relationships with local agents (i.e. residents and service providers), novelty, emotions, dream, meaningfulness, refreshment, hedonism and involvement. The data were collected via a survey of 1,193 Brazilians with regular travel habits, aged 18 years or older. The data were analysed quantitatively using structural equation modelling. Statistical tests included exploratory factor analysis followed by confirmatory factor analysis. The results indicate that the scale is reliable and valid for research on MTEs, at least for the sample in question, and confirm the MTE construct’s multidimensionality, although the hedonism and involvement dimensions were shown to be unsuitable. Thus, the validity of the proposed MTE scale consisting of 35 items was confirmed, as were 10 dimensions of the second-order construct.


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