RSS Uni. Porto Mechanobiology of Colorectal Cancer

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Repositório Aberto da Universidade do Porto

Breve resumo:
Title: Mechanobiology of Colorectal Cancer
Abstract: In this review, the mechanobiology of colorectal cancer (CRC) are discussed. Mecha-notransduction of CRC is addressed considering the relationship of several biophysical cues and biochemical pathways. Mechanobiology is focused on considering how it may influence epithelial cells in terms of motility, morphometric changes, intravasation, circulation, extravasation, and metastization in CRC development. The roles of the tumor microenvironment, ECM, and stroma are also discussed, taking into account the influence of alterations and surface modifications on mechanical properties and their impact on epithelial cells and CRC progression. The role of cancer-associated fibroblasts and the impact of flow shear stress is addressed in terms of how it affects CRC metastization. Finally, some insights concerning how the knowledge of biophysical mechanisms may contribute to the development of new therapeutic strategies and targeting molecules and how mechanical changes of the microenvironment play a role in CRC disease are presented.​

Info Adicional:
Title: Mechanobiology of Colorectal Cancer Abstract: In this review, the mechanobiology of colorectal cancer (CRC) are discussed. Mecha-notransduction of CRC is addressed considering the relationship of several biophysical cues and biochemical pathways. Mechanobiology is focused on considering how it may influence epithelial cells in terms of motility, morphometric changes, intravasation, circulation, extravasation, and metastization in CRC development. The roles of the tumor microenvironment, ECM, and stroma are also discussed, taking into account the influence of alterations and surface modifications on mechanical properties and their impact on epithelial cells and CRC progression. The role of cancer-associated fibroblasts and the impact of flow shear stress is addressed in terms of how it affects CRC metastization. Finally, some insights concerning how the knowledge of biophysical mechanisms may contribute to the development of new therapeutic strategies and targeting molecules and how mechanical changes of the microenvironment play a role in CRC disease are presented.


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