RCAAP Rss Feeder
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The experimental work within this dissertation aimed to implement the telematic infrastructure of Aveiro University in order to support a wide range of communication and information services, from the invaluable electronic mail to advanced services with real time video and sound. (...)Keywords: Ethernet; FDDI; ATM; Network Management; Information Sewices; Security M.S., 1996more info. http://opac.ua.pt/F/?func=find-b&find_code=SYS&REQUEST=000091560
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The experimental work within this dissertation aimed to implement the telematic infrastructure of Aveiro University in order to support a wide range of communication and information services, from the invaluable electronic mail to advanced services with real time video and sound. (...)Keywords: Ethernet; FDDI; ATM; Network Management; Information Sewices; Security M.S., 1996more info. http://opac.ua.pt/F/?func=find-b&find_code=SYS&REQUEST=000091560
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