RCAAP Rss Feeder
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During biometric studies it was observed that several specimens of Holcus mollis L. presented a peculiar but constant morphology caused by the presence of Tilletia holci (Westend.) J. Schrot. These changes in morphology were very clear in the spikelet where glumes were shorter and larger and both florets were awned. This morphology closely matches the description of Holcus mollis L. var. parviflora Parn. The type material was also infected with Tilletia holci. Taxonomic distinction of infected plants is not acceptable.
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During biometric studies it was observed that several specimens of Holcus mollis L. presented a peculiar but constant morphology caused by the presence of Tilletia holci (Westend.) J. Schrot. These changes in morphology were very clear in the spikelet where glumes were shorter and larger and both florets were awned. This morphology closely matches the description of Holcus mollis L. var. parviflora Parn. The type material was also infected with Tilletia holci. Taxonomic distinction of infected plants is not acceptable.
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