RCAAP - RSS GERAL Guiding legacy systems for evolution. PmatE: a case study of maintenance and engineering


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Breve resumo:
Even though software change is inevitable, accurate maintenance can extend software lifespan in a subtle way when both budget and time constraints get in the way of software replacement. In the University of Aveiro, the project PmatE – a quiz web platform created to encourage students to like Math – emerged in the early 1990’s and stacked several applications over the decades without major planning, cleaning or upgrade. This resulted in a huge-sized framework that was crucial to be always available and online and had high operational cost, leading to an increasing amount of technical debt. After 3 decades, the project was studied, refactored and refurbished, leading to a stable consistent framework ready for evolution and software spinouts. This work shows how to manage and engineer solutions to maintain a legacy system and evolve it even when tied up to heavy constraints.​

Info Adicional:
Even though software change is inevitable, accurate maintenance can extend software lifespan in a subtle way when both budget and time constraints get in the way of software replacement. In the University of Aveiro, the project PmatE – a quiz web platform created to encourage students to like Math – emerged in the early 1990’s and stacked several applications over the decades without major planning, cleaning or upgrade. This resulted in a huge-sized framework that was crucial to be always available and online and had high operational cost, leading to an increasing amount of technical debt. After 3 decades, the project was studied, refactored and refurbished, leading to a stable consistent framework ready for evolution and software spinouts. This work shows how to manage and engineer solutions to maintain a legacy system and evolve it even when tied up to heavy constraints.


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