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Although the physical properties of polymers already have been modified by changing different synthetic parameters, the effect of the crystallization by the doping is still rarely explored. In this work, a facile synthesis of composite chitosan film with copper L-valinate crystal (CHLVCu) was investigate. Composite films were prepared by the addition of copper II L-valine crystals (LVCu) in concentrations of 0.05, and 0.1 in 0.2% chitosan solution. The composite film of LVCu crystal dispersed in CH solution has been successfully obtained by the technique of solvent slow evaporation at low temperature. CHLVCu composite films are crystalline stabilizing the trans-LVCu phase. Homogeneity and low thermal stability have been proven by thermal measurements. The crystal growth takes place in the polymer surface. In addition, it is noteworthy that to the best of our knowledge, crystals complex of the LVCu has not been used as incorporate chitosan film and study has reported changes in physical properties composite film. The future this film can be application in area biomedical and technological.
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Although the physical properties of polymers already have been modified by changing different synthetic parameters, the effect of the crystallization by the doping is still rarely explored. In this work, a facile synthesis of composite chitosan film with copper L-valinate crystal (CHLVCu) was investigate. Composite films were prepared by the addition of copper II L-valine crystals (LVCu) in concentrations of 0.05, and 0.1 in 0.2% chitosan solution. The composite film of LVCu crystal dispersed in CH solution has been successfully obtained by the technique of solvent slow evaporation at low temperature. CHLVCu composite films are crystalline stabilizing the trans-LVCu phase. Homogeneity and low thermal stability have been proven by thermal measurements. The crystal growth takes place in the polymer surface. In addition, it is noteworthy that to the best of our knowledge, crystals complex of the LVCu has not been used as incorporate chitosan film and study has reported changes in physical properties composite film. The future this film can be application in area biomedical and technological.
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