Don Draper, avatares e twittertainment: o comportamento dos fãs de TV na era transmidiática

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RCAAP Rss Feeder

Breve resumo:
This article examines the behavior of TV fans in the current transmedia environment, based on the case of the American television series Mad Men and the transformation of the character of Don Draper into a celebrity. We look at the impact of the ongoing cultural changes on the marketing strategies of content producers, as media converge and fans appropriate characters and brands for their own narrative purposes. As fans are constantly invited to immerge in imaginary universes, the frontier between reality and fiction becomes blurred. It is thus essential to understand these new fans, who chat with fictional characters on Twitter, reinvent themselves through avatars and are obsessed with their image on social media platforms.​

Info Adicional:
This article examines the behavior of TV fans in the current transmedia environment, based on the case of the American television series Mad Men and the transformation of the character of Don Draper into a celebrity. We look at the impact of the ongoing cultural changes on the marketing strategies of content producers, as media converge and fans appropriate characters and brands for their own narrative purposes. As fans are constantly invited to immerge in imaginary universes, the frontier between reality and fiction becomes blurred. It is thus essential to understand these new fans, who chat with fictional characters on Twitter, reinvent themselves through avatars and are obsessed with their image on social media platforms.


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