RCAAP - RSS GERAL Crystal growth modes and crystallization kinetics of amorphous films according to transmission electron microscopy “in situ”


RCAAP Rss Feeder

Breve resumo:
The generality of the processes of crystal growth from the vapor phase on substrate and from the amorphous state in films is that in both cases a disorder-order transition takes place. This predetermines the structural and morphological analogy between the main forms of crystal growth on substrates and the main types of crystallization of amorphous films. Based on the analysis of the structure and morphology of crystals growing in amorphous films at electron beam influence, a quantitative interpretation of layer polymorphous crystallization (analog of Frank-van der Merwe growth mode), island polymorphous crystallization (analog of Volmer–Weber growth mode) and dendrite polymorphous crystallization (analog of Stranski–Krastanov growth mode) where given. For each crystallization mode the parameter of dimensionless relative length δ0, equal to the ratio of the characteristic length to the value, characterizing the size of the unit cell of the crystal, were assigned and crystallization curves were built.​

Info Adicional:
The generality of the processes of crystal growth from the vapor phase on substrate and from the amorphous state in films is that in both cases a disorder-order transition takes place. This predetermines the structural and morphological analogy between the main forms of crystal growth on substrates and the main types of crystallization of amorphous films. Based on the analysis of the structure and morphology of crystals growing in amorphous films at electron beam influence, a quantitative interpretation of layer polymorphous crystallization (analog of Frank-van der Merwe growth mode), island polymorphous crystallization (analog of Volmer–Weber growth mode) and dendrite polymorphous crystallization (analog of Stranski–Krastanov growth mode) where given. For each crystallization mode the parameter of dimensionless relative length δ0, equal to the ratio of the characteristic length to the value, characterizing the size of the unit cell of the crystal, were assigned and crystallization curves were built.


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