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Title: Classroom teachers’ perception about physical education and physical activity: A typology
Authors: Gomes, G.; Ramos, M.; Martins, J.; Claro, J.; Costa, F.
Editors: Noémia Vilela
Abstract: Introduction: According to the socioecological model teachers may act as facilitators or barriers in a school physical activity (PA) program.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to characterize classroom teachers’ perceptions about Physical Education (PE).
Methods: 297 teachers answered a questionnaire about PE past experience, status, aims, and academic benefits of PA. The Multiple Correspondence Analysis was used aiming to identify teachers’ profiles.
Results: Dimension 1 combines the view that the PA affects academic achievement (AA) with the idea that PE must be optional or compulsory, but non-examinable. In dimension 2 the biggest difference is between a standard that refers to a relatively neutral position in relation to PA (PE as important for promotion of healthy lifestyles associated with the idea that PA does not affect AA, and PE should be compulsory but non-examinable), as opposed to positions, either in favour (PA benefits AA and PE should be compulsory and examinable) or against PA (PE should be optional). The joint analysis of the two dimensions allowed to identify three distinct patterns of teacher’s perceptions which made possible to build a typology, regardless the cluster they belong to. Considering their personal experience teachers make a misjudgment of PE in schools they attended specially in cluster 3. As for the relation between PA and AA, most teachers say that the PA benefits AA (65% in cluster 1; 96% in cluster 2). In cluster 3, 70% of the teachers say that PA impairs AA.
Conclusions: These results support the importance of the earliest good experiences in PE, in generating positive attitudes towards PE. PE teachers should explain to other teachers that PA does not affect academic performance, and that PA prevents deviant behaviours.
Authors: Gomes, G.; Ramos, M.; Martins, J.; Claro, J.; Costa, F.
Editors: Noémia Vilela
Abstract: Introduction: According to the socioecological model teachers may act as facilitators or barriers in a school physical activity (PA) program.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to characterize classroom teachers’ perceptions about Physical Education (PE).
Methods: 297 teachers answered a questionnaire about PE past experience, status, aims, and academic benefits of PA. The Multiple Correspondence Analysis was used aiming to identify teachers’ profiles.
Results: Dimension 1 combines the view that the PA affects academic achievement (AA) with the idea that PE must be optional or compulsory, but non-examinable. In dimension 2 the biggest difference is between a standard that refers to a relatively neutral position in relation to PA (PE as important for promotion of healthy lifestyles associated with the idea that PA does not affect AA, and PE should be compulsory but non-examinable), as opposed to positions, either in favour (PA benefits AA and PE should be compulsory and examinable) or against PA (PE should be optional). The joint analysis of the two dimensions allowed to identify three distinct patterns of teacher’s perceptions which made possible to build a typology, regardless the cluster they belong to. Considering their personal experience teachers make a misjudgment of PE in schools they attended specially in cluster 3. As for the relation between PA and AA, most teachers say that the PA benefits AA (65% in cluster 1; 96% in cluster 2). In cluster 3, 70% of the teachers say that PA impairs AA.
Conclusions: These results support the importance of the earliest good experiences in PE, in generating positive attitudes towards PE. PE teachers should explain to other teachers that PA does not affect academic performance, and that PA prevents deviant behaviours.
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Title: Classroom teachers’ perception about physical education and physical activity: A typology Authors: Gomes, G.; Ramos, M.; Martins, J.; Claro, J.; Costa, F. Editors: Noémia Vilela Abstract: Introduction: According to the socioecological model teachers may act as facilitators or barriers in a school physical activity (PA) program. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to characterize classroom teachers’ perceptions about Physical Education (PE). Methods: 297 teachers answered a questionnaire about PE past experience, status, aims, and academic benefits of PA. The Multiple Correspondence Analysis was used aiming to identify teachers’ profiles. Results: Dimension 1 combines the view that the PA affects academic achievement (AA) with the idea that PE must be optional or compulsory, but non-examinable. In dimension 2 the biggest difference is between a standard that refers to a relatively neutral position in relation to PA (PE as important for promotion of healthy lifestyles associated with the idea that PA does not affect AA, and PE should be compulsory but non-examinable), as opposed to positions, either in favour (PA benefits AA and PE should be compulsory and examinable) or against PA (PE should be optional). The joint analysis of the two dimensions allowed to identify three distinct patterns of teacher’s perceptions which made possible to build a typology, regardless the cluster they belong to. Considering their personal experience teachers make a misjudgment of PE in schools they attended specially in cluster 3. As for the relation between PA and AA, most teachers say that the PA benefits AA (65% in cluster 1; 96% in cluster 2). In cluster 3, 70% of the teachers say that PA impairs AA. Conclusions: These results support the importance of the earliest good experiences in PE, in generating positive attitudes towards PE. PE teachers should explain to other teachers that PA does not affect academic performance, and that PA prevents deviant behaviours.
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