RCAAP - RSS GERAL Bibliographical trail of a festivity: the case of Bugiada and Mouriscada of Sobrado


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Breve resumo:
This article presents a festivity about which very little has been studied and written: the Bugiada and Mouriscada of Sobrado, also called São João of Sobrado. It is a midsummer festivity which takes place in Northern Portugal (Valongo) on June 24th. Through a bibliographic review, which unifies, for the first time, a scattering of publications about this festivity, it will be possible to identify different paradigms of ethnological research. With a special focus on the 20th century, this mapping will be done through the eyes of foreign and Portuguese scholars who wrote about this cultural manifestation.​

Info Adicional:
This article presents a festivity about which very little has been studied and written: the Bugiada and Mouriscada of Sobrado, also called São João of Sobrado. It is a midsummer festivity which takes place in Northern Portugal (Valongo) on June 24th. Through a bibliographic review, which unifies, for the first time, a scattering of publications about this festivity, it will be possible to identify different paradigms of ethnological research. With a special focus on the 20th century, this mapping will be done through the eyes of foreign and Portuguese scholars who wrote about this cultural manifestation.


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