RSS Cientifico geral Atlas of typical deep water seismic lines

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RCAAP Rss Feeder

Breve resumo:
In this atlas, commented tentative geological interpretations, mainly, of Canvas autotraces of worldwide typical deep water seismic lines are proposed. The Bally and Snelson’s (1980) sedimentary basin classification was adopted. Remind: (i) Rift-Type basins, Cratonic basins and Atlantic-type Divergent Margins are sedimentary basins not associated with the formation of Megasutures ; (ii) Episutural and Perisutural basins are associated with the formation of Megasutures ; (iii) Forearcs, foredeeps and Chinese-type basins are perisutural bsins, the firsts associated with B-type subduction zones, the second with A-type subduction zones and the thirds with tilted blocks, normally developed by megasutures but, where the subduction zone A is not evident ; (iv) Backarcs and non Atlantic-type divergent margins are episutural basins associated with B-type subduction zones, the firsts without oceanization behind the volcanic arc, the seconds with oceanization ; (v) Panonnian-type and Mediterranean-type basins are episutural basins associated with A-Type subduction zones, the firsts without oceanization and the seconds when there is breakup and oceanization of the underlying fold belt ; (vi) The Great Basin and Californian-type basins are episutural associated with significant strike slip faulting ; (vii) Fold belts are developed inside the megasutures in connection with A or B-type subduction zones.​

Info Adicional:
In this atlas, commented tentative geological interpretations, mainly, of Canvas autotraces of worldwide typical deep water seismic lines are proposed. The Bally and Snelson’s (1980) sedimentary basin classification was adopted. Remind: (i) Rift-Type basins, Cratonic basins and Atlantic-type Divergent Margins are sedimentary basins not associated with the formation of Megasutures ; (ii) Episutural and Perisutural basins are associated with the formation of Megasutures ; (iii) Forearcs, foredeeps and Chinese-type basins are perisutural bsins, the firsts associated with B-type subduction zones, the second with A-type subduction zones and the thirds with tilted blocks, normally developed by megasutures but, where the subduction zone A is not evident ; (iv) Backarcs and non Atlantic-type divergent margins are episutural basins associated with B-type subduction zones, the firsts without oceanization behind the volcanic arc, the seconds with oceanization ; (v) Panonnian-type and Mediterranean-type basins are episutural basins associated with A-Type subduction zones, the firsts without oceanization and the seconds when there is breakup and oceanization of the underlying fold belt ; (vi) The Great Basin and Californian-type basins are episutural associated with significant strike slip faulting ; (vii) Fold belts are developed inside the megasutures in connection with A or B-type subduction zones.


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