RCAAP - RSS GERAL Anna, Soror...: a descoberta do eu no meio do interdito


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Breve resumo:
Anna, soror. .. is a Marguerite Yourcenar's youth novel which reveals how her writings are a projection of the author. As if the myth of Narcissus was actualized when the novel was created, it is only fully understood when we analyse the characters in their interpersonal relationships. Feverish and anguished by his sexuality, Marguerite Yourcenar's Narcissus fears to respond to the Other's desire. Trying to tum away the threatening feminine figure, the protagonist looks for his virile and reassuring alter ego. Only through spirituality we can exceed the incestuous desire and accede to Absolute. Combining difIerent images (Narcissus, the Double and the Twins), Marguerite Yourcenar makes her characters conscious of a sacred sexuality.​

Info Adicional:
Anna, soror. .. is a Marguerite Yourcenar's youth novel which reveals how her writings are a projection of the author. As if the myth of Narcissus was actualized when the novel was created, it is only fully understood when we analyse the characters in their interpersonal relationships. Feverish and anguished by his sexuality, Marguerite Yourcenar's Narcissus fears to respond to the Other's desire. Trying to tum away the threatening feminine figure, the protagonist looks for his virile and reassuring alter ego. Only through spirituality we can exceed the incestuous desire and accede to Absolute. Combining difIerent images (Narcissus, the Double and the Twins), Marguerite Yourcenar makes her characters conscious of a sacred sexuality.


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