RSS Cientifico geral An investigation of approaches to mitigating aginst cold start in serverless platforms

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RCAAP Rss Feeder

Breve resumo:
This project presents the investigation and results found in the topic of ways to mitigate against cold start in serverless platforms, AWS (Amazon Web Services) being the focus of the investigation. The investigation started with the study of the current scientific literature in order to contextualize the problem and present hypothesis to study. From there, test scenarios were developed, resorting to the open source serverless framework, by deploying several functions with different characteristics and gathering results to analyse, regarding cold start times. The results showed that the cold start problem can and should be optimized from the side of the client, not only for the sake of performance, but also in order to reduce costs.​

Info Adicional:
This project presents the investigation and results found in the topic of ways to mitigate against cold start in serverless platforms, AWS (Amazon Web Services) being the focus of the investigation. The investigation started with the study of the current scientific literature in order to contextualize the problem and present hypothesis to study. From there, test scenarios were developed, resorting to the open source serverless framework, by deploying several functions with different characteristics and gathering results to analyse, regarding cold start times. The results showed that the cold start problem can and should be optimized from the side of the client, not only for the sake of performance, but also in order to reduce costs.


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