RSS Uni. Porto A new tilted strips external thermal insulation composite system (TiS-ETICS): Description and performance assessment through thermal and energy simula

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Repositório Aberto da Universidade do Porto

Breve resumo:
Title: A new tilted strips external thermal insulation composite system (TiS-ETICS): Description and performance assessment through thermal and energy simulation for a residential building
Abstract: This work presents a new concept of façades coated with machined ETIC boards displaying tilted strips. Strips with upwards tilt have a high total solar reflectance (TSR) paint, to maximize the solar radiation reflection during the summer period. Strips tilted downwards have a low TSR paint, to maximize the solar absorption during wintertime. Parameters that characterize this new tilted strips ETIC system (TiS-ETICS) were optimized for four different locations: Porto, São Paulo, Los Angeles, and Sydney. The indoor temperature, in the free-floating mode, and the energy demand needed over the year, in conditioned mode, were both assessed through building simulation. The use of TiS-ETICS, compared to pristine façades, always led to a positive impact on performance. In free-floating mode, with the new system, indoor temperatures dropped in summer and increased in winter. In conditioned mode, annual energy savings between 10.8% (in Porto) and 32.3% (São Paulo) were obtained.​

Info Adicional:
Title: A new tilted strips external thermal insulation composite system (TiS-ETICS): Description and performance assessment through thermal and energy simulation for a residential building Abstract: This work presents a new concept of façades coated with machined ETIC boards displaying tilted strips. Strips with upwards tilt have a high total solar reflectance (TSR) paint, to maximize the solar radiation reflection during the summer period. Strips tilted downwards have a low TSR paint, to maximize the solar absorption during wintertime. Parameters that characterize this new tilted strips ETIC system (TiS-ETICS) were optimized for four different locations: Porto, São Paulo, Los Angeles, and Sydney. The indoor temperature, in the free-floating mode, and the energy demand needed over the year, in conditioned mode, were both assessed through building simulation. The use of TiS-ETICS, compared to pristine façades, always led to a positive impact on performance. In free-floating mode, with the new system, indoor temperatures dropped in summer and increased in winter. In conditioned mode, annual energy savings between 10.8% (in Porto) and 32.3% (São Paulo) were obtained.


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