A densidade de ideias e a complexidade gramatical na avaliação da produção escrita em português L2

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RCAAP Rss Feeder

Breve resumo:
Advanced L2 written production assessment is difficult to quantifyas are learning goals established for this competence in the same level.Correction is not enough. Quality in writing is expected to translate into lexicalprecision and richness, as well as sentence complexity. In order to measurethese characteristics of sophisticated writing, Idea Density and GrammaticalComplexity are proposed as assessment parameters as they were explored bySnowdon et al. (1996) and by Kemper et al. (2001) in the Nun Study (Snowdon2001). Its adoption to the advanced Portuguese L2 learning context (C1/C2)underlied the study of sentences produced in two writing tasks: a synthesis anda writing prompt. First, results were highly variable due to the heterogeneityof the group of participants. Both measures were found to be correlated in both writing tasks, which led to the conclusion that participants who writewith lexical precision and richness also produce higher complexity sentences.Lastly, the results confirmed that reading has an influence on writing quality,insofar as the students who usually read as the ones who got the highest scoresin both parameters.​

Info Adicional:
Advanced L2 written production assessment is difficult to quantifyas are learning goals established for this competence in the same level.Correction is not enough. Quality in writing is expected to translate into lexicalprecision and richness, as well as sentence complexity. In order to measurethese characteristics of sophisticated writing, Idea Density and GrammaticalComplexity are proposed as assessment parameters as they were explored bySnowdon et al. (1996) and by Kemper et al. (2001) in the Nun Study (Snowdon2001). Its adoption to the advanced Portuguese L2 learning context (C1/C2)underlied the study of sentences produced in two writing tasks: a synthesis anda writing prompt. First, results were highly variable due to the heterogeneityof the group of participants. Both measures were found to be correlated in both writing tasks, which led to the conclusion that participants who writewith lexical precision and richness also produce higher complexity sentences.Lastly, the results confirmed that reading has an influence on writing quality,insofar as the students who usually read as the ones who got the highest scoresin both parameters.


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